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محتوى الدورة التدريبية

مخطط الموضوع

  • Introduction

    If you’re like most of us in the networking community, you probably have one or more network certifications. If that’s you, you’re very wise in choosing a Network+ certification to proudly add to your repertoire because that achievement will make you all the more valuable as an employee. In these challenging economic times, keeping ahead of the competition—even standing out among your present colleagues—could make a big difference in whether you gain a promotion or possibly keep your job instead of being the one who gets laid off! Or maybe this is your first attempt at certification because you’ve decided to venture into a new career in information technology (IT). You’ve realized that getting into the IT sector is a good way to go because as the information age marches on, the demand for knowledgeable professionals in this dynamic field will only intensify dramatically.
    Either way, certification is one of the best things you can do for your career if you are working in, or want to break into, the networking profession because it proves that you know what you’re talking about regarding the subjects in which you’re certified. It also
    powerfully endorses you as a professional in a way that’s very similar to a physician being board certified in a certain area of expertise.
    A really cool thing about working in IT is that it’s constantly evolving, so there are always new things to learn and fresh challenges to master. Once you obtain your Network+ certification and discover that you’re interested in taking it further by getting into more complex networking (and making more money), the Cisco CCNA certification is definitely your next step.

    • References مجلد
      متحكم فيه غير متاح إلا إذا: You are not a(n) ضيف
    • CompTIA Certifications رابط الكتروني
      متحكم فيه غير متاح إلا إذا: You are not a(n) ضيف
    • CompTIA-Network-Plus رابط الكتروني
      متحكم فيه غير متاح إلا إذا: You are not a(n) ضيف
    • N+ from Elysium academy رابط الكتروني
      متحكم فيه غير متاح إلا إذا: You are not a(n) ضيف
  • Chapter1_ Basic Networking Concepts

    متحكم فيه غير متاح إلا إذا: You are not a(n) ضيف
  • Chapter2_Network Infrastructure

    متحكم فيه غير متاح إلا إذا: You are not a(n) ضيف